A Card Company with a Purpose

BJ Card Company shares images from God’s natural masterpieces of our world in stunning greeting cards which inspire and entertain.  Our business model gives hope to disabled individuals to become contributing members of society.

BJ Card Company cards feature photographs donated by amateur and professional photographers, artists, and writers, sharing their talents.  Additionally, BJ Card Company is staffed by BJ and some of his close friends.

Whether purchasing BJ Cards online or in retail establishments, your communication with friends, acquaintances and loved ones will not only add to their lives, but you will gain from the sense of giving to others!

BJ’s Story

I was born into a loving family, my dad, mom and big sister. This also included a very large, not to mention rather loud, extended family. Due to complications with the pregnancy, I was born 14 weeks early. I weighed 2 lb 1oz; a large baby for my age, the doctors said. When I was 5 days old I had a brain bleed, grade 4, which is the worst. As a result, I now have cerebral palsy, developmental delays and use a wheelchair. I also developed ROP, retinopathy of prematurity, which caused me to become blind. So my whole family was very sad. My aunt noticed however, that while others were sad, I did not really know the difference, and that I was a pretty happy baby. It was later on, in school, that I began to notice I was not keeping up with the other students.

Fast forward to today. I am an adult now, no longer attending school (I do miss it) where I had more contacts. Though building relationships is difficult for me, I really do enjoy friends. Listening on the radio or TV to baseball and football games is a big deal for me. I mostly enjoy quiet surroundings, as unexpected loud noises hurt due to my C.P., but Young Life is very cool, even with my noisy friends! Since it is difficult for me to be in a regular work environment, finding a job where I could make friends and perform the tasks, taking into consideration my speech and physical limitations, was not easy.

That is where the team came in; they shared their creativity, dedication and vision. We brainstormed, compiled ideas, laughed, cried, ate some great dinners and BJ Card Company was born. Now I work embossing the cards and envelopes – this takes strength and perseverance – I go on some sales calls and deliveries – this takes courage and calm- and I listen to and encourage others when they accomplish things for this company – this takes focus and caring. All in all I love working in and with BJ Card Company. When I hear from people how much they love the cards and see the embossing I have done, I feel good. Accomplishing something enjoyed and appreciated by others makes life much more fulfilling, it brings me joy!

Get Involved


It is a true blessing that all of the beautiful photos used in BJ Card Company are donated. Most of the photographers or artists are amateurs from the Pacific Northwest. If you have the heart to help BJ and his company we’d love to hear from you


Our goal of providing employment for special needs individuals we take seriously, along with the many costs of running a business. To be financially sound we understand that we must be good stewards of our money and appreciate your donations.


BJ and his peers have great work ethic.It takes an team to move a company to production and on. Many things others can do to support and assist BJ and his peers from 1 hour a month to several hours a week. We want to grow our team.